Explore the World
with Chris Brown

Embark on extraordinary adventures and discover the world through the lens of Chris Brown, an avid explorer and modern-day adventurer.

  • Land
  • Sea
  • Space

About this site

I'm Chris Brown, an experienced, British explorer with a passion for sharing my knowledge and inspiring others to embark on their own remarkable journeys.

Whether you're seeking simple, cheap ideas for local exploration or hard-core adventures further afield, this website will provide you with inspiration, ideas, tips, and insights for all levels of ability and budget.

Cold Chris Brown

Recent Expeditions

These are some of my latest expeditions. Most, but not all, are linked to my pursuit of becoming the first person to visit all the Poles of Inaccessibility and as many Points of Inaccessibility as possible.

There's been some great successes and one or two abject failures. Budgets have ranged from a few dollars to a few hundred thousand. And I've got into some pretty dangerous situations along the way. So why not take a look through the stories for fun or for inspiration?

Click Here for a full list of Expeditions

Point Nemo Expedition
Point Nemo
Middle of the Pacific Ocean

Point Nemo can be described as the most remote location on the planet. It is a point in The Pacific that is furthest from land in any direction.

Central African
Dark Heart of Africa

A hazardous journey to the middle of Africa in the Central African Republic on the border with the Democratic Republic of Congo and South Sudan

Titan Sub
Titan Submersible
Titanic Expedition

How I came to be signed up for the doomed Titan expedition, along with my concerns over safety and why I withdrew before it imploded.

Future Expeditions

It's easy to sit down in the comfort of your own home and come up with ideas for exciting expeditions and adventures.

But putting everything in place to make it successful is often a different story. So, whilst these are some of the expeditions or adventures that I'm planning in the future, I fully expect some may fall by the wayside and others will spontaneously appear!

Eurasia Pole of Inaccessibility
Eurasia Pole of Inaccessibility
March 2025

Europe and Asia comprise one land mass with two locations for the Pole of Inaccessibility, both in the Xinjiang region of North West China


I'm determined to get into Space one day by hook or by crook.
These are my current hopes and plans to achieve that.
